*This post was revived from my old FB account where I first started “blogging…” Feb 2021 – smack in the ‘middle’ of covid.
We used to go to a pizza joint- you know before the covid – every year it was a tradition – to the San Diego Padre’s game when the Cubbies were in town. Hubster and I would get all Cubbied up – and we’d stop for Pizza VERY reminiscent of our old beloved My Pie in Bucktown and we’d partake in these really amazing sweet tea vodka lemonades before the Padre / Cubs game. Being the penny pincher and the queen of #WhyEatOut – (and with some help from a friend) we figured an amazing recipe.

We have since re-instituted the tradition – Cubs / Padres games here in San Diego – the pizza, the URBN ice teas and a game at the #1 ball stadium in the country. Thankfully, tho, we all made do while we were in lock down. Good things DID come out of covid!

Super Simple Homemade Lemonade
- 2 Qt Liquid container
- Hand Held Citrus Juicer
- 1 Cup Lemon Juice – Squeeze 6 – 8 Large Lemons
- ½ Cup Sugar
- ¼ Cup Truvia Sweetener – Monk Fruit or Stevia
- Water – to make 2 Quarts
- Squeeze the lemons to get ~1 C of fresh lemon juice.
- Mix the sugar with the lemon juice and be patient for the sugar to break down and incorporate into the juice. If you are in a hurry or are impatient like me – you can nuke the mixture for about 30 seconds and stir and let rest on the counter for a while till cool again. (SEE NOTES)
- Add water to make 2 Qts and shake shake shake. If you are drinking this right away do not put the ice INTO the lemonade, rather put the ice into your glass. If you are not drinking the lemonade right away – you can use ice instead of the water. (Just thinking about diluting the lemonade properly)
- Enjoy!