Affiliate Programs


I only recommend tools and ingredients I have personally reviewed or used. Sometimes the item I am in love with is no longer available so I will do my best to find a suitable alternative.

I am in the process, or have joined, the following companies affiliate programs:

As an Amazon Associate, I (*will*) earn from qualifying purchases.

Other links on my site may generate a commission (at no cost to you).

The Amazon Associates Program is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for bloggers and other folks to earn commission by linking to As noted above I have also targeted other key vendors that I rely on and personally very much support. As part of these affiliate programs, I will provide you customized links to these vendors web sites which will track the referrals as coming from Bridget’s Kitchen. These affiliate programs and vendors utilize cookies to track referrals and visits for the purpose of accounting for commissions on sales. (At no additional cost to you.)

Bridget's Kitchen All rights reserved